Saturday 14 September 9:00 to 11:00 am
Grade R Open Morning
We are a not-for-profit Catholic school that is known for building girls with strong character through our hidden curriculum.
Come and explore
school readiness with us at
Grade R Open Morning

Open Morning Programme:
Collect all 4 pieces of the puzzle when you participate in all 4 activities!
9:00 – 9:15 Welcome and introduction to the morning’s activities
9:25 – 11:00 Fun educational activities
These fun activities will give you insight into our Grade R school readiness journey.
This is a great time to meet our teachers and ask questions.

A good feeling about school starts here
Grade R is our school’s “Reception year”.
We give girls a welcoming space, so they feel at home and settled to start primary school.
Just like a hotel’s reception, your reception year at primary school is the most important. You make friends, find out where everything is and how to do things.
Come visit us
Set the tone and rhythm for success
We all want our children to be happy at school, so they can reach their full potential.
How your child feels about school, determines how they perform at school. Children feel comfortable when they learn the rhythm of daily life and become a part of the community.
Doing Grade R at their future primary school, gives children a soft-landing space to learn skills and be ready for primary school.
Come see our Grade R classrooms.

Enjoy tea and refreshments, chat to our leaders and teachers
You’re welcome to bring Gogo and little sister to join in the fun and get a feel for our school.
All families have questions about schooling:

- How do I make sure my child is best prepared for the future?
- What do we get for the school fees we pay?
- Will my child be happy?
The school you choose is one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent and it’s best to explore your options.
Open day is a good way to experience the essence of a school.
What is the Hidden Curriculum?
Find out more about our Hidden Curriculum when you visit us for Open Day.