Primary School Applications
Choosing the best primary school for your child is an important decision.
Good Questions
You may be asking:
- Will the school bring out the best in my child?
- Will my child be happy at the school?
- Will my child's primary school foundation be good enough for High School?
Yes, that's what it's all about at Holy Rosary.
Where are you in your journey?

I’m Curious
I’d like to find out more.
When can I visit the school and meet the students and teachers?

I’m Seriously Considering
I’d like to speak to a student, parent, teacher or leader
+ let me know about Open Days, News and Application deadlines.

It’s Best to Apply Early
- Start planning now.
- The date you apply and pay the R500 application fee will determine your position on our application list.
- Admissions are possible at any time, depending on availability.
What are the School Fees?
As a non-profit organisation, all fees are directed toward giving our students the best education possible.